
Who can not perform Umrah?

In Islam, the Umrah is a voluntary pilgrimage known as a sunnah. Millions of pilgrims arrive in Makkah every year with best Umrah packages UK to do a minor pilgrimage because of the extraordinary benefits it provides.

Who is obligated to perform Umrah?

While all Muslims are required to do the Hajj pilgrimage once in their lifetimes, performing the Umrah is voluntary. The trip is conducted out of devotion to the teachings of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) and is, thus, entirely optional. That makes it optional. A believer’s desire and choice are what ultimately determine whether or not they will conduct Umrah. And if a person has the means to conduct Umrah but chooses not to, it is not a sin.

Anyone who has the will, means, and health to make the journey can therefore complete the Umrah ceremonies.

Who cannot perform Umrah?

Those who are primarily prohibited from doing Umrah ceremonies are;

1.   Non-Muslims.

Travel for the Umrah is restricted to Muslims only because it is a religious rite central to the Islamic religion. In reality, non-Muslims are not even allowed to enter Makah or Madinah, much less make the small pilgrimage. This regulation is in place to protect the solemnity of the journey and honor the traditions that have developed around it.

2.   Women (in certain circumstances).

While women have the same rights as males when it comes to performing Umrah, there are some circumstances that might render a woman’s journey void. Menstruating women and new mothers are at the top of this list because they are considered impure by Islamic law during these times.

Since the ablution (wudu) is a prerequisite for performing the Umrah ceremonies, and they are unable to maintain it for biological reasons, they have the option to forego performing the Umrah at certain times.

Since women cannot conduct Umrah while they are menstruating or bleeding after giving birth, women must postpone their pilgrimage during certain times.

3.   Individuals in a state of ihram for hajj.

Your pilgrimage, whether it be hajj or umrah, is determined by the Niyyah you planned upon entering the state of ihram. A pilgrim in the state of Ihram for Hajj may not also perform the Umrah ceremonies since doing so would violate the rules of Ihram and the limits placed on pilgrims by Islam.

The Umrah ceremonies can be performed either before or after the Hajj pilgrim assumes Ihram.

In other words, if you want to combine your Umrah with Hajj, you need to do it before the eighth of Dhul-Hijjah. Therefore, since pilgrims are already in Ihram for Hajj, doing Umrah ceremonies separately during the hajj days (8th Dhul-Hijjah to 12th Dhul-Hijjah) would be redundant.

4.   People with visa and travel restrictions.

Pilgrims must meet all international travel and immigration requirements to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in order to make the Umrah journey. To facilitate the entry of pilgrims for the purpose of performing Umrah, the government observes special visa procedures. Depending on the current regulations, these specifications may be adjusted. Therefore, due to ineffective foreign relations or other political reasons, some countries or regions may be banned from Umrah trip.

5.   People who do not meet the travel requirements.

Those who don’t have the valid visa, have a visa that has expired, or don’t have the proper papers for their trip will be denied entry to Saudi Arabia. That’s why we can’t provide the Umrah service.

People with certain conditions are not eligible to perform Umrah. However, it is crucially important to remember that the regulations in force for Umrah travel can differ. Therefore, Islamic scholars and the Saudi Embassy should be consulted, as well as reputable Umrah travel agency, for the most up-to-date and accurate information.

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