
Writing Techniques of Literature Review: A Guide For Graduate Students

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A literature review thoroughly examines previously written material on a given subject. It typically appears in dissertations and other lengthy assignments requiring much work and research. Some students give up and search for writers to complete this assignment. Even a lot of students ask, “Can you offer assessment help?”

However, if you are determined to complete the process independently, here are some crucial steps that will teach you how to write an effective literature review.

Here are some extremely helpful suggestions for how to proceed:

Firstly, be clear on your topic

Writing a literature review involves a wide range of complex and tense topics. If you search for marketing dissertation topics, you must be clear about choosing a perfect one! Without a comprehensible understanding of the subjects, students write either false information or content that is misleading. 

For instance, if your topic is genetics, you should narrow it because it is far too broad.

Also, you could write about the genetic factors of a particular animal, plant, or person. This allows you to comprehend the topical nod explicitly and enables you to focus your research on specific topics rather than the field of genetics as a whole.

Sit down, relax and research 

It’s time for you to relax and conduct research on your topic now that you’ve chosen it. It is the longest part of any procedure and takes a lot of patience and dedication. Research is considered one of the prime elements of any writing. 

According to the engineering dissertation help experts prepare a list of the topics you want to investigate to keep your item.

You see, a lot of information is available when you look for it in journals and published articles. But remember, you must keep the entire procedure short and crisp. A literature review has to be organized, so be careful!

Also, include important subjects that might serve as a research catalyst.

Don’t get lazy on this step; if the subject calls for it, you may even want to conduct personal surveys and questionnaires to enrich your paper further.

Make a note of significant contributions

A literature review involves more than just describing what was published and when. Additionally, you must discard and consume ineffective contributions. Consider that you are discussing experimental growth that has been recorded over time. 

Write down all the significant occasions relating to your topic, then include them in your apery. Readers are interested in learning about this, which will eventually advise you to raise your grade level. You can look through the papers of top writers and assignment writing services, and you will always notice that the information has been organized to keep the readers interested.

Look for literatures

You can define your source selection parameters (i.e. articles published between a specific date range, focusing on a particular geographic region, or using a specific methodology).

Search a library database using keywords.

A recent article and review reference lists often contain links to additional helpful papers.

Include any research that is contrary to your opinion. 

Read the chosen articles carefully, then assess them

Analyse and summarise the findings and recommendations from the studies.

Keep this in mind:

  • Assumptions that some or most researchers appear to make
  • Methodologies, testing procedures, subjects, or testing materials that researchers generally use.
  • Specialists in the area: names or laboratories that are frequently cited
  • Complicated theories, findings, and methodologies 
  • The popularity of theories and changes or continuities over time

Organize the chosen papers by developing subtopics and looking for patterns

What to remember? 

  • Common or disputed conclusions
  • Significant research trends
  • Some of the most popular theories

Advice: If your literature review is lengthy, locate a large table surface and set up post-it notes or filing cards to categorize your findings.

If you decide that (a) they belong under different headings or (b) you need to create new topic headings, move them around accordingly.

Create headings and subheadings that highlight the key patterns and trends you found.

Create a thesis or goal statement

The major developments and trends you identified in the study on your topic should be summarised in a one- or two-sentence statement.

Now, write the paper 

Use the headings and subheadings you created, as well as the organizational structure you developed.

Ensure that the connections between each section and before and after are logical.

Organize your sections based on themes or subtopics rather than specific researchers or theorists.

Tip: If you notice that each paragraph starts with the name of a researcher, it may mean that you have simply summarised the research that has been conducted rather than evaluating and comparing it from an analytical standpoint.

Examine your work

Look at the topic sentences of each paragraph. If you only read these sentences, would you conclude that your document introduced a clear position logically developed from start to finish? The key points of your literature review should be highlighted in the topic sentences of each paragraph.

Create an outline for each section of the paper, then decide if you need to restructure any areas or add or remove any information.

Read your work out loud as much as possible. By doing this, you can spot grammatical errors, unclear sentences, and places where punctuation marks are needed to indicate pauses or divisions within sentences.

Make sure you have covered all of the significant, current, and pertinent texts because a literature review aims to show that the author is knowledgeable about the key professional literature on the subject of choice. Your literature must be quite recent in the sciences and some social sciences; this is less crucial in the humanities.

Ensure that all references and citations are accurate and that you reference according to the discipline-specific style. 

Ask your professor for advice if you’re unsure which style to use.

Consider the following queries regarding each book or article you choose to include:

  • Has the author identified an issue or problem?
  • Is it definite enough? Is the significance’s scope, seriousness, and relevance established?
  • Could a different angle have been taken to solve the issue more successfully?
  • What kind of research approach does the author prefer—interpretive, critical science, or a combination?
  • What is the theoretical foundation of the author (psychological, developmental, feminist, etc.)?
  • What connection do theoretical and research perspectives have?
  • Has the author reviewed the literature pertinent to the issue or problem? Does the author include works that take stances with which they disagree?
  • How well-designed are the fundamental elements of a research study (such as population, intervention, and outcome)? 
  • Just how reliable and accurate are the measurements? Is the data analysis correct and pertinent to the research question? Do the data and analysis support the conclusions?

Final Notes:

A literature review is not a list describing or summarising one piece of literature after another; it is discursive prose. Every paragraph beginning with a researcher’s name is typically a red flag. Instead, divide the literature review sections into those that present themes or point out trends while also including pertinent theories. You are attempting to synthesize and evaluate the published material following the central idea of your thesis or research question, not to list all of it.

Author Bio,

Stacy Garner is a renowned dissertation helper at Myassignmenthelp.io – one of the famous dissertation writing services. She offers knowledge on dissertation skills to the students. 

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