An anterior placenta is a condition in which the placenta is located anterior to the cervix. While it is not dangerous to your unborn child, this condition can make your pregnancy more difficult. An anterior placenta may also cause you to wait longer to feel your baby’s movement. If pregnant with an anterior placenta, you should talk to your doctor.
It can grow downwards towards the lower part of the uterus.

A placenta forms in the womb during pregnancy and is essential to the baby’s development. It provides nutrients and oxygen to the fetus and removes waste products from the baby’s blood. The placenta is expelled from the uterus five to thirty minutes after delivery. There are many different positions for the placenta in the uterus. The placenta can attach to the front wall of the uterus, on the sides, or in the back.
Although the placenta may grow downwards towards the lower part of the lower uterus, it should not cause any health problems for the baby. It can create extra space between the mother and baby and serve as a cushion between them. It should be noted that it should not cause any problems for the baby, but if it does, the baby will have a harder time being delivered.
It can block the cervix.
The anterior placenta is a medical condition in which the placenta attaches to the front of the cervix during pregnancy. Its main function is to supply oxygen and nutrients to the growing fetus. It also removes waste products from the child’s blood. If your placenta is located anteriorly, you may experience certain symptoms, including vaginal bleeding and rapid uterine contractions.
In most cases, anterior placentas correct themselves as pregnancy progresses. However, if the placenta is too low to reach the cervix, it may obstruct the vaginal opening. In such cases, the baby is not likely to be delivered safely.
It can cause a muffled “whooshing” sound
Although it may sound scary, a muffled “whooshing sound” during pregnancy is nothing to be concerned about. The placenta can be in either position, and it’s generally harmless. However, if you experience the sound in the first trimester, it may not be a good sign and you should consult your doctor.
The “whooshing” sound that a Doppler picks up may be due to the placenta growing on the anterior wall of the uterus. The blood that passes through the placenta may interfere with the Doppler. As the weeks go by, the baby’s heartbeat becomes more obvious.

It can increase the chance of carrying your baby ‘back to back before the birth
An anterior placenta can increase the risk of carrying your baby ‘back to back,’ a position many babies find comfortable during labor. However, carrying your baby in this position can make some tests more difficult. Among these tests is amniocentesis, which involves removing the baby’s cells.
Because the placenta lies in the front wall of the uterus, an anterior placenta can increase the chances of carrying your baby ‘back to back.’ Although most babies turn around in the last few months of pregnancy, around five percent of babies remain in this position during labour. Whether your baby is born face down or face up is up to your midwife, but being in the back-to-back position can make labour difficult and painful.
It increases the risk of stillbirth.
The placenta is a vital part of pregnancy, nourishing the baby from anywhere within the uterus. Pregnant women with an anterior placenta have just as good a chance of having a healthy baby as those with a posterior placenta. Although the baby may not kick as early or as hard, complications of pregnancy with an anterior placenta are rare. During pregnancy, women with an anterior placenta should get regular prenatal care to ensure the health of their baby and mother.
Many factors contribute to the risk of stillbirth. Infection is associated with up to 10-20% of stillbirths in developed countries and much higher in developing countries. Infections may affect the placenta directly or cause severe maternal illness and spontaneous preterm birth. Common causes of placental infection include ascending agents such as Listeria monocytogenes, cytomegalovirus, Zika virus, and parvovirus. Serology is not usually required for any of these conditions.