
Medical treatment of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and children’s academic performance

Table of Contents


Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is negatively associated with a range of academic achievement measures. We use Danish management registers study the impact of medical treatment of ADHD in the performance academic of kids, as determined by the student’s GPA. (GPA). Based on the administrative register information regarding children who have been undergoing treatments for medical reasons, we conduct an experiment in the natural environment and utilize possible exogenous changes in the non-response to medical treatment to measure the effects of treatment on school-leaving GPA. We find significant effects of treatment on both the test and on teacher-rated GPAs. When compared to continuous treatment either a part or completely stopping treatment can result in negative consequences in reducing test GPA and teacher evaluations by .18 and .22 standard deviations in every instance. These results suggest that treatment using medication may help reduce the negative social effects of ADHD. Placebo studies suggest a causal interpretation of our findings could be plausible.


Data availability: Due to the restrictions set on data availability by Danish laws and protections for patient’s privacy, the complete data collected for this study will be made available to an approved third-party Statistics Denmark. Statistics Denmark is the state-owned agency that is responsible for the information used during this investigation. Universities and Danish scientific institutions may be granted access to information from Statistics Denmark and such organizations have the ability to grant access to researchers both inside or outside Denmark. Requests for data can be made through Statistics Denmark:


Five percent of people have the first signs of mental health problems prior to getting to the point of being adults. Mental health issues in the early years could have negative consequences later in life, as these problems have been associated with less academic success as well as the inability to attain. Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) represents one such mental health problem, which infers substantial individual and societal costs if left untreated . Children with ADHD have lower grade points scores (GPA) and score lower on tests for academics, have more frequent absences and lower retention rates, as well as lower rates of graduation from high school and colleges. rates.Recent research has revealed an association between ADHD to the slow maturation of brain regions the brain that are directly connected to cognition . This implies a direct connection between the biological aspects with ADHD and a lack in academic achievement. In addition, ADHD may also negatively impact the learning environment in the home of children. A growing body of evidence indicates that undiagnosed or treated ADHD causes more instability in families, including the higher chance of breakdowns in parent unions and an outside-of-home environment. This implies that, aside from immediate effects on cognitive capabilities, ADHD may cause lower levels of academic performance and achievement due to altering the environment outside of school which can result in people suffering from disabilities that are double.

One approach to address the behavior issues related to ADHD is to address the symptoms of ADHD that involve psychotropic medication. Although the use of these drugs isn’t an issue of debate, it has been demonstrated to alleviate the symptoms of children suffering from moderate to severe ADHD. If ADHD affects students negatively, then it has an impact on academic performance, if treatment is successful can reduce the negative impact on education that come with ADHD.

This study investigates if the effectiveness of medical treatment for ADHD can affect students’ academic achievement by using an investigation that is natural. The literature on ADHD shows that between 25 to 30 percent of people being treated for ADHD aren’t responders. Responders do not suffer from the medication or suffer severe adverse reactions or suffer extreme side effects, which could cause them to discontinue treatment despite having similar symptoms to those who respond prior to receiving treatment . There aren’t any significant differences in socioeconomic status between responders and nonresponders. In addition, particular characteristics of the individual (age gender and years of age IQ, ADHD subtypes and symptoms, neuropsychological traits) affect the treatment response . On the basis of the idea that there aren’t significant differences between respondents and nonresponders respondents, we look at the academic performance of children who are diagnosed and receiving treatment for ADHD that either stop treatments (nonresponders) and continuing treatment (responders) to assess the effects of treatment on school performance. The research that we conducted proves that we don’t have any treatment choice as the majority of children in our study are treated. There is being able to have the possibility of having a treatment-related selection. However, as we’ve already stated, we believe that the treatment-related selection does not happen randomly. This is supported in the following.

Medical treatments could have a profound and profound impact on the long-term academic results specifically in relation to the school-leaving GPA. Treatment for medical issues of ADHD is comparable to gender-related variations in GPA. To determine if a possible reason for this causality of these findings is plausible and consider any differences between treatment for different social groups and results, we evaluate the effects of treatment with or is not accompanied by a wide array of confounding variables. We then conduct placebo regressions for a group of children who start medical treatment after they have graduated (i.e. after receiving their grades for the final time). The results indicate that there is no difference in the outcomes from treatment without or with confounding factors. Also, we find no difference in GPA between those who respond to treatment with medical care and those who did not in the placebo sample, suggesting that main outcomes may be caused by the causal elements. Our findings suggest that the use of medical treatment for ADHD may have a significant effect in reducing the differences in the field of education caused by the disorder.

The rest of the paper is arranged in the following order: Section 2 examines relevant theories and literature regarding the impact of ADHD and ADHD treatment and academic outcomes. 3 provides the details required for the analysis of the research. 4 provides our strategies for identification and the ways of analysis. Section 5 summarizes the findings. Section 6 analyzes the results and closes.

ADHD and its impact on education

If not addressed, behavioral problems can seriously affect children’s academic performance and academic performance . Studies have revealed that children diagnosed with ADHD typically suffer from 2.2 which is 2.5 years of education fewer than their peers with no ADHD in addition to that 25% percent of kids with ADHD drop out of high school . Recent research has also shown that externalizing behavior as well as attention issues are a factor in lower education success . Children who suffer from ADHD are less cognitively efficient and lower test scores, as well as more attention and scholastic problems that lead to lower results in math and reading. Research has consistently shown that ADHD is a factor in various educational outcomes, which vary from performance and achievement indicators and school-related behavior. In this study we will concentrate specifically on academic achievement of the students as assessed by teacher evaluations and tests GPA. In the following section, we’ll discuss the biological and social factors that cause ADHD and lower academic performance and how medical interventions can disrupt the link.

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