
Nasdaq Listed Companies (NASE) Stock Price Analysis

When evaluating whether to buy Nasdaq Listed Companies (NASE), you should consider several factors. The fundamentals of a company’s performance include its Price to sales ratio, market capitalization, and Price to earnings or book ratio. Then you can weigh the information presented by analysts against other forms of research and data. For example, a stock’s Price to sales ratio could be a sign that it is undervalued.

Price-to-sales ratio

The Price to Sales ratio of Nasdaq QLGN is the company’s current market value divided by its recent sales. It measures the company’s profitability relative to its peers and the US Biotechs Industry. The current Price to sales ratio is higher than the company’s average PS and peer average. The QLGN PS ratio has risen over the last ten years.

The Aroon Indicator for Nasdaq QLGN moved below zero on August 18, 2022, indicating that the stock may continue its downward trend. Traders may want to consider selling QLGN stock or buying put options if the Price continues to fall. In addition, the RSI Indicator for QLGN has entered an oversold zone, which may mean that the stock is about to recover and move back up.

Market capitalization

QLGN’s market cap varies in the share price and several outstanding shares. A novice investor may use the market cap to compare different stocks, but this comparison is meaningless if they do not understand the number of shares outstanding. A better way to calculate QLGN’s market cap is to look at its history. The graph below provides an overview of the company’s market capitalization over time.

Price-to-earnings ratio

The Price to earnings ratio (P/E) of Nasdaq QLGN is 0.00. It is calculated by dividing the current market value of QLGN by its past year’s revenue. In addition, the P/E ratio can help investors to analyze the stock’s historical performance. This chart compares the stock to its peers in the US Biotechs industry. It is important to note that the P/E ratio of a stock is not a reflection of its future performance.

The price-to-earnings ratio is an excellent tool to compare stocks with similar earnings. By calculating the PE ratio, you can quickly decide if the stock’s earnings are justified by its Price. However, remember that PE ratios aren’t optimal for all companies, as they will vary in different industries. But, if you’re comparing other stocks, this is an excellent way to determine which stock is more appealing.

Price-to-book ratio

The Price to Book ratio of Nasdaq QLGN is a calculation that compares a company’s current share price to its historical book value. It is calculated by dividing the company’s market capitalization by its current revenue. As of August 22, 2022, QLGN’s Price to book ratio was 0.86. You can find more information on QLGN by visiting the Stock Price Adjustment Guide.


Beta measures how volatile a share is compared to the market. Compared to the NASDAQ average, Qualigen Therapeutics shares have been inversely correlated. This means that they have defied market trends. This makes them good picks for investors who want to gain an advantage over the market. However, this is not the only factor affecting a stock’s price.

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