
How to Draw A Kitten Easily

How to Draw A Kitten. With the kitty’s fluffy body and irresistibly sweet face, it’s no wonder many children of all ages are obsessed with these young cats.

Also, check our elsa coloring pages for kids.

Kittens have also long been a staple of several films and animated series, with some of the most well-known characters being Hello Kitty, Puss and Puss in Boots.

The adorable qualities of kittens make them interesting subjects for drawing.

Luckily, we’ve curated a step-by-step tutorial on how to draw a kitten, summarized in 9 simple and easy steps.

You can use these steps whether you want to draw a realistic or animated-looking kitten.

Each step is accompanied by easy-to-understand illustrations that act as a visual guide as you follow the instructions.

Whether you are a newbie or an ace at drawing, we are sure that you can follow these steps effortlessly. Plus, you can add your style and improvise at any stage.

Mix and match colors to personalize and make your artwork unique. Let your originality run wild and unleash your imagination. Have fun, and use your artistic skills!

How to Draw A Kitten

Step 1

Starting at the top right of the paper, draw two triangular cat ears connected by a curved line pointing down. This will outline the kitten’s ears and the top of its head.

To ensure the outline is right, draw horizontal and vertical lines on the paper to create reference lines. The leader line should divide the sheet into four square divisions if drawn correctly. The space in the top right corner is where you should outline.

Starting at the top right of the paper, you will have enough space to draw the kitten’s face and body.

Step 2

Extend the lines from under the ears to the kitten’s chin. The shape of the kitten’s muzzle should be slightly wider at the button than at the top to accentuate the chubby cheeks. Remember to add spiky tufts of fur on each side of the face!

Step 3

Just below the kitten’s face, draw two front paws side by side. As shown in the figure, you can draw the front legs simply by drawing overlapping curved lines under the face.

Emphasize the fur in the kitty’s chest area to make it fluffier and fluffier!

Step 4

Draw a downward curved line to outline the kitten’s back and buttocks. The back should be structured downwards, while the bottom should be curved like a semi-circle.

If drawn correctly, the outline should appear as a downward slope to give the impression that the kitten is sitting.

Step 5

Draw another curved line facing the kitten’s bottom to outline the thighs. Next, use one paw to pull one leg under the kitten’s bent thighs.

Add lines on the kitten’s paw to create separations between her claws.

Step 6

Draw a long fluffy tail on the lower part of the kitten’s body. As you can see in the illustration, the tail is as easy as drawing a curved sausage.

However, you can draw the tail however you like. You can make it as furry as you like by adding large pieces of fur that extend down the tail.

Step 7

In the kitten’s ear that we drew in the first step, draw a triangular shape following the outline.

This will outline the inside of the ears, making the kitten’s physical features look more dimensional and lifelike.

Step 8

On the bottom of the face, draw an inverted triangle in the center to create the kitten’s nose.

Next, draw two curved lines below the nose to outline the mouth. The kitten’s mouth should look like a curved letter “w.”

Step 9

Just above the nose, draw two vertical oval shapes that are slightly separated from each other.

Then draw two more small oval shapes inside the eyes. Shade the side of the eyes from the small dots inside the eyes to create a nice “shimmery eye effect.”

Feel free with other facial features that are great. You can even add eyelashes and a mustache if you like!

Finally, the most exciting part comes: fill in the colors for your amazing drawing! This is where you can show off your artistic skills and ability to mix and match different colors.

Kittens come in various colors, with white, black, ginger, gray, cream, brown, cinnamon, and fawn being the most common.

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