
IELTS Training Centre in Dubai At Reasonable Fees

IELTS Training Centre in Dubai

Overview of IELTS

The most widely used technique of determining how well our English is spoken is the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). There are nine different score levels, from 0 to 9. Everyone holds the misconception that “I will fail the IELTS,” which causes them to withdraw. IELTS doesn’t actually have a pass or fail option. You receive a score after taking the IELTS Training Centre in Dubai; the ideal score is between 7 and 9. The likelihood of your application being accepted or being shortlisted for the post you have applied for increases with your IELTS score.

It allows the opposite party to gauge your level of proficiency in communicating with an English-speaking native speaker. The United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada are the principal nations that require IELTS results. The majority of colleges, government agencies, and employers require an IELTS test result for admission to higher education, immigration, and employment.

There are two IELTS test options.

1. Academic IELTS (To apply for higher studies in abroad Universities and for Professional Jobs)

2. IELTS general (Migration purposes)

Comparatively speaking, Generic IELTS will be simpler than Academic. Both Academic and General IELTS use identical Speaking and Listening tests. However, in the General IELTS, reading passages will be significantly simpler. The writing task in Writing Task 1 is different. In this session, Academic Writing Task 1 is interpreting a graph or figure, whereas the General IELTS will have letter writing.

After talking with the professionals, you should decide whether to take the Academic IELTS or the General IELTS.

The IELTS consists of 4 separate modules:

1. Hearing (40 Minutes)

2. Reading (60 Minutes)

3. Composing (60 Minutes)

4. Talking (12-14 Minutes)

The first three modules will all be taught on the same day, while the last module will be taught the day before or the day after the first three.

1. When listening, keep in mind:

Answers should be written on the question paper. You get an additional 10 minutes to move your answers to a different response sheet at the end of the test, so don’t worry about making errors or writing too much.

Depending on the testing facility, you might receive a different headset or everyone might use the same speaker.

It is more crucial to read the instructions at the beginning of each session than it is to provide an answer. You risk losing all of the session’s answers if you don’t read the instructions word for word.

Your Duty:

The test taker has 30 minutes to complete 36–40 questions while a 30-minute CD is playing. The test-taker completes three activities at once in this module. He or she must read the questions on the question paper, listen to the conversations on the CD, and then write their responses on the actual question paper. This session calls for intense concentration because you will be listening, reading, and writing all at once. You have 10 minutes to transfer the answers from the test to the answer sheet.

The listening consists of 4 sections:

– A dialogue between two persons would come first. For instance, a consumer may call a hotel receptionist to make a room reservation. This portion will be relatively simpler. The listening gets harder as it goes along.

– The second segment is a monologue in which a single individual presents a paper or delivers a lecture on a particular subject.

– A conversation between three to four people is taking place in the next section of the CD. like in a classroom with a single professor and two or three students. This could be a little more difficult because we have to distinguish between different accents and determine who speaks what.

– The final session is once again a monologue – For instance, a speaker delivers a paper

It is challenging in the third and fourth sessions since the dialogues tend to be a little more drawn out and the responses to two questions occasionally come fairly close together.

2. Reading

Things to remember

There are three paragraphs to finish, and the difficulty increases as you read. You have 60 minutes to complete the task. As a result, aim to complete the first section in 17 minutes, the second passage in 20 minutes, and the last passage in 23 minutes.

– There is no extra time allotted for writing the answers, nor is there a separate answer sheet.

– Spending time deciphering a word’s meaning would be a waste of time. You might find the definition of the term “paraphrased” in the following line if you move on.

Three separate portions presented.

Articles or any other type of research paper may be used for the three passages. The first passage is relatively simpler. The reading gets harder as it goes along.

Primary question types:

Give each paragraph a heading.

Response options include True, False, Not Provided / Yes, no, Not Given

Filling the Gaps

Making the Sentence Complete

Adding markers to a map

3. Writing: Important Information

– The day’s work comes to an end with this. You’ve already spent two hours taking reading and hearing tests, and you’re worn out. To succeed, you must manage the assignment with careful planning.

– Control your time (Task 1 takes 20 minutes, Task 2 takes 40 minutes, and so on.

– Pencil preferred for writing.

– Do task 1 within the allotted 20 minutes. Task two is more important than Task 1.

General IELTS Task 1 is merely a letter-writing exercise (150 Words and approximately 20 minutes) Write the librarian a letter, for instance, describing the disturbances in the library because a lot of the students treat it like a fun area.

Academic IELTS Task 1 asks candidates to evaluate and explain a graph or figure (150 Words). Make an effort to do the work in 20 minutes. Try to use phrases like “rise,” “decrease,” “decline,” “fast growth,” “substantial growth,” “quick fall,” “erotic growth,” etc. when describing a graph.

Assignment 2: Essay Writing (250 Words and approximately 40 minutes) Essays can be written in a variety of ways, including agree or disagree questions, opinion pieces, and discussions of opposing points of view. Every student could respond because the subject is so widespread. For instance, promoting and funding public transit promotes the nation’s economic expansion. Do you concur or disagree?

Provide your response in 250 words or less. It can go beyond 250, but it can never go below. The response ought to have an introduction, two or three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The essay developed rationally. Make an effort to prevent grammar errors, use complex sentences, and strong vocabulary.

4. Speaking:

A 12- to 14-minute speaking session scheduled. There will be a tape recorder on and you will be seated in front of the examiner. The three sessions for the test are as follows:

Self-introduction and some warming-up questions in the first section (your home town, hobby, culture, tradition etc) For three to four minutes.

Second Part: Cue Card Subject – The examiner hands you a piece of paper with three to four subquestions, as follows, and one main question.

Talk about your preferred movie.

What movie is it?

Where did you view the film?

Who was there when you saw the movie?

Why is it one of your favorites?

You will have one minute to consider your response and prepare. So, You will be given a sheet of paper and a pencil to jot down the key things you wish to discuss.

There You will speak on the subject for two minutes without interruption from the examiner. Unless the examiner stops you, don’t stop talking.

The third and final component of the speaking activity consists of in-depth discussion questions related to the cue card topic. Discussion questions are as follows on the cue card shown above.

You favor seeing movies in theaters or on television.

What additional entertainment options are there in your city?

Is there a distinction between historical and contemporary films?

How frequently do you attend movies?

Your speaking exam is now complete.

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