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Moldavite: Journey from Mine-to-Market

Moldavite Jewelry

An olive-green coloured rock was first used by the people living in Bohemia, currently the Czech Republic. A meteorite collided with the earth’s sand and minerals about 15 million years ago in southern Germany, superheating the sand and minerals. The intense heating and cooling created the most powerful crystal in the world: Moldavite jewelry. This crystal possesses many healing properties, both physical and mental. It is said that due to its cosmic connection, this gemstone has high vibrational energies. Moldavite is available in three quality high, medium and regular quality.

Why Is Moldavite So Expensive?

Moldavite is a rarely available gemstone. It costs between 8 and 15 USD per gram. This stone is fragile and has to be used carefully. This stone has both brown and green colours; the brown colour is more expensive than the green one as brown is more rare than the green stone. The total amount of moldavite in the word is approximately 275 tonnes.

Healing properties of Moldavite

Spiritual Healing Properties

Moldavites help us to focus and understand the high vibration, voices, and angles of our spiritual head. This gem is said to be the power of the blessed masculine and divine feminine. The one who is exploring the energy of gemstones in Moldavite Jewelry is a must try. Moldavite is a Chakra Jewelry that resonates with the heart and Third Eye Chakras as it makes you feel easy and think wide. It’s not birthstone jewelry for a single sign, but for all astrological signs, connected to the element of storm and virtues to the numbers 2 and 6.

Emotional Healing Properties

This beautiful and mysterious stone keeps your heart-centered, connects you to the people around you and nourishes your relationships. Moldavite urge us to move forward in your life, gives strength and courage to fight with the negativity and your darkest fears. One feels confident, motivated and be focused after using this gemstone.

Mental Healing Properties

This extraordinary gemstone promotes new mental energy and inspiration.It helps us to remember previously forgotten information and to find new possibilities and connections. It urges us to remove old thoughts and beliefs that are not for our betterment and instead motivates us to work on new thoughts in a new way to achieve desired goals. It is beneficial for those of us who are highly sensitive as it helps us process complex spiritual and emotional information through our brains.

Physical Healing Properties

Moldavite cures the physical problems related to emotion, like stress, or habitual and nutrition problems, like pain; it finds the root cause of the problems and eliminates them.

Journey From Mines To Market

In the year 2021, there was an extremely severe shortage of this precious stone, as no output was coming from the mines from which it was extracted. It’s also been heard that a number of criminal gangs looted the stones and sold them on the black market. Moldavite is found in pieces rather than in stone; therefore, miners have to find several pieces to make the stone worth selling. To extract this precious stone, one needs manpower, finance, a fresh tool, etc. Plus, the mining company requires permission from the respective country or state to begin the work. All the procedures are expensive and time-consuming, which makes the digging procedure much more expensive. The cost of the extraction and design processes boost the price of gemstones in the market.

How To Spot Fake And Real Moldavite?

Most of the fake Moldavite is available on the market, as China is the one producing it. They use green glass with bubbles in it, which looks exactly the same as the real one does. So this is the test you need to perform to check the accuracy of the gemstone before buying them.

Testing lechatelierite is the way through which we can spot whether the gem is real or fake. Moldavite is light and dark olive green in color, having holes, bubbles, and worm-like strands, whereas fake moldavite does not have strands and is also called lechatelierite. You need to just check it in the jewelry store under a microscope when buying.

Is Moldavite Worth Buying?

Moldavite is a fantastic investment option as the supply and availability of this precious stone is less therefore, in coming years the crystal value will increase. Late reselling this gemstone can pay you good amount as it’s a rare available gemstone.

How To Use Moldavite?

If you want a great change in your life, then wear the Moldavite Pendant. It works best as it allows the stone to have the best and most direct contact with the skin. It’s really important to remove the Moldavite Jewelry before sleeping as it can disturb your sleep, cause vivid dreams, and make you feel exhausted. If you want to activate your psychic abilities, hold the tone in your palm, give it some air, and focus on the energy it produces.

Where To Buy Moldavite?

After knowing about Moldavite, everyone deep inside wants this mysterious gemstone. Why wait for the same? Flaunt your Moldavite handmade artificial jewellery and gift your loved ones a Moldavite Ring, or a Moldavite Necklace as a token of your love. Get your hands on a pretty Moldavite bracelet and accessorize your ears with our lovely Moldavite Earrings.

Make your day more special with Rananjay Exports, a wholesale gemstone jewelry manufacturer and supplier that deals with an endless number of gemstones and sterling silver jewelry. Visit the website to learn more about gems and unique designs:

I hope you enjoyed learning about this divine, wonderful, and ravishing world of Moldavite. Feel free to order; we respect your precious money as we respect precious stones.

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