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The Treehouse Masters – Pete Nelson and Dana Klisanin

Whether it’s a treehouse, a spa retreat, a honeymoon suite, or an Irish-themed cottage, Pete Nelson is the world-renowned designer of treehouses. Through his innovative combination of art and science, he awakens the inner child within us, letting us dream of living among the Tree Masters.

Dana Klisanin is a psychologist and game designer

Psychologist and futurist Dana Klisanin is a pioneer at the intersection of digital technology and human values. He has spearheaded many successful endeavors including creating the world’s first social impact media framework. His research into the best ways to utilize the internet to improve humanity has been quoted in many news outlets. His latest book, The Good Web, introduces the world to the wonders of information technologies.

Klisanin is a member of the prestigious World Futures Studies Federation and sits on two nonprofit Advisory Boards. He also serves on the executive board of the Positive Media Special Interest Group and is a member of the American Psychological Association’s Division of Media Psychology. He was also the first to implement an impact media framework based on integral theories.

One of his most interesting projects involved designing an interactive gaming experience with real-world consequences. In addition, Dana is also an award-winning attorney and counsels Fortune 100 companies in high-stakes litigation.

Pete Nelson’s passion is construction and renovation

Architect Pete Nelson has been a treehouse expert for over two-and-a-half decades. He has built hundreds of treehouses around the world. He has published six books about treehouse building. He has also appeared on the “Treehouse Masters” television show on Animal Planet. His passion for treehouses and construction is infectious.

When he was a child, Nelson fell in love with treehouses. He would build tree forts in his backyard. He had a fascination with trees from a young age, and his interest was sparked by his father. He took an interest in forestry and carpentry, and decided to pursue a career in treehouse building.

Nelson has worked on projects all over the world, from Hawaii to Texas. He has built 200 treehouses. He has also built treehouses for families. He has a team of skilled carpenters.

The Nelson family business started with a love of treehouses. The Nelson Treehouse and Supply company offers treehouse plans and hardware. It also sells lifestyle goods.

Nelson’s dream is to open a bed-and-breakfast

Having grown up on a farm outside of Wisconsin Dells, Nelson realized the time had come to make his dream of opening a bed and breakfast a reality. But with the economy in the doldrums, he found it hard to find a place to buy property. Luckily, a neighbor of his offered him a place to stay.

Nelson and his wife, Nancy, are members of the National Farmers Union and enjoy bringing members together for educational opportunities. They have hired a retired school teacher for bookkeeping and two children as part-time workers.

The Nelsons raise their own oats, soybeans and alfalfa. They supplement with commercial fertilizer when soil tests indicate the need. They also let the alfalfa grow as a cover crop. During the spring, they plow and plant a cash crop into the alfalfa. They supplement with another cash crop during the fall.

The Nelsons also hire foreign students for summer jobs. This gives the children an opportunity to learn about farming and culture from other nations. The Nelsons’ goal is to bring people to Thunder Valley with an appreciation for the environment and rural heritage.

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